Google for Holi @Moolya

Holi a festival celebrated in the Indian Sub-continent, also known as the festival of colors or the festival of sharing love. Well, this is the result from Google when we searched for the word ‘Holi’. Now, how about a search for Holi @ Moolya on Google? Why not? The string will search for any similar result using the keywords and display the same or suggest anything relevant.

Google for Holi @ Moolya:

How about searching for Holi 2016 @ Moolya? Wait wait wait, please do not lose patience if you do not find what you want to know. Here we are. Okay. I will not trouble you more and let’s come to the point. You now know the reason for writing this as you are very smart! Love, fun, laughter, colors, find the missing buddies and crazily search and throw colors at them, get the people out of hiding, drench them in all colors available, have snacks and sweets, play music to full volume, off the work just before a long weekend and all added up to what we at Moolya call Holi Festival.

How peaceful and joyful that we celebrate Holi and many other bashes @ Moolya without any discrimination of Caste, Creed and Gender. On any day you can have the same kind of celebrations irrespective of that you are a fresher, experienced or any role that you play. At Moolya as a family, we try to make it a fun-filled workplace and dream destination for people who aspire to join us or who admire our great work!

Here we go with fun 🙂 Holi Celebration at Moolya (A Home away from Home) this is what you find through search string.

Author:Vani Vinay

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