We are Moolya – Confidence as a Value

Confidence is the placebo pill required for everyone no matter what the situation we are in. It is an interesting solution to many problems. An individual learns and develops many techniques to feel and ooze confidence at any corporate event. TRUST is to have and feel confident in self and others. Confidence, the word is derived from ‘confidere’ meaning to ‘have full trust’.

An epic encounter with testers here oozing confidence is a positive reflection of the learning mindset. This epicness is not filled with self-image but the ecosystem is conducive to the growth of questioning testers. An ode to this is that the questioner is not silenced, but the question answered which is merely a parenting skill if you think about it.

Nothing is to be feared, it is only to be understood ~ Madame Marie Curie.

What can confidence do to our ecosystem of testers?

It can help bring testers together to co-create a pro-learning space. Moolya is making efforts to bring the testing community around them alive.

Confidence helps testers to pair-up to brainstorm, generate test ideas and to test together. Ideas take shape in one own’s head but the idea needs more brains to thrive. Hence testing as a pair activity has benefits. Some of the contributions that the Moolya testers have made to Indian and the international testing community is commendable. This cannot be achieved without having confidence in ourselves and the people that we work with.

Brainual testing activities require ease to think and experiment. Confidence in employees can make test exploration, a fun learning activity. When in isolation, an idea remains an idea. For an idea to flourish it needs challengers and other ideators who question the idea or recommend suggestions to improve.

This set up takes credit for creating and promoting testers who are assertive, have sculpted their own hero with the education that they have had here and who themselves have inspired testers around them. This is what sets Moolya apart and makes it a one of a kind testing solution provider to many other startups and establishments.

Confidence in testers makes Moolya, kinda Cool-ya.

How to boost the confidence of testers?

Testing Training

A certain percentage of the training budget has to be set aside for the testing teams who contribute as much value as anyone else in the team. This contribution may not be in terms of coding or designing but the outcome of testing is palpable by any user. Do not undermine the value testers can bring about to the product.

The Moolya Way: In-house testing training, appearances in local and international meetups, conferences and invites to local and global testing gurus are few of the initiatives that Moolya has invested in towards training the testers. Test-Ed and Bangalore Workshop for Software Testing are two such initiatives that attracted learners and thinkers to Moolya.

Testing Guru

Hire trainers who with their excellent teaching methods can sow seeds of continuous learning in testers. Educate the testers with the right knowledge sources either to proceed with self-learning or take courses that will help benefit them. Bring in trainers for in-house training purposes. Let the testers learn by example. Hire exemplary testers whose way of testing can brush off on newbie testers.

The Moolya Way: Way too many testers around the globe know about testers in India and this one of a kind testing service via Moolya. Moolya has the credit to invite and introduce global testing gurus to the Indian test community. This has thenceforth paved the way for testers to learn with the community of thinking testers.

Testing Education is given prominence here, unlike other firms that may/may not use the allocated budget for the testing team. In regard to this, Moolya is hiring test coaches who can consult, train and create better testers.

A unique method of adaptive learning is introduced at Moolya which is an opportunity for the testers to learn at a scheduled time with one of the trainers available. This can help provide face time with the testing coach, which the trainee can use to debunk myths, and it is an opportunity for the coach to learn the learning needs of the coachee too.

Testing Lab

Equip the testers with tools required to exercise the brain. Invest in gadgets, testing training materials, a testing LAB where testers can train themselves to be a product engineer.

The Moolya Way: It is still a project in the pipeline or a five-year plan in the multinational organizations to set up a Test Lab. Moolya is one of the pioneers to set up a fully functional testing lab at their facility which boasts of producing explorers of great quality across domains they have tested.

Testing Awards

Buy and gift testing training tickets, conference passes, a learning platform license as an award to your testers.

The Moolya Way: Moolya sponsors testers to attend conferences locally and internationally, these jet-setters are also the trendsetters in the world of IT around us. Many testers who find it difficult to help themselves are also sponsored by Moolya.

Confidence boosting writings on the walls of Moolya.

It is true that when a firm doesn’t trust its workforce to do good, then the organization and the employees are both doomed to failure. Look no further when the team is not feeling confident, restore the trust in the workforce to regain the confidence.

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