10 Surprisingly Common Software Testing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Software Testing Mistakes A Tester Should Avoid

Even though part of a software tester’s task is to spot errors made by developers, testers are not exempt from making mistakes. Even the most seasoned quality assurance professionals can make testing errors, and organizations need to support the testing team as they try and avoid these common mistakes.

When performed correctly, Testing software will guarantee that the finished product is of excellent quality and meets the requirements of the end user.

To achieve this, here are the 10 common testing mistakes you should watch:

10 Surprisingly Common Software Testing Mistakes

1. Not Understanding The Job Scope

One of the most common errors made by software testers is failing to comprehend the complete scope of their role. Testing for quality assurance is a complex activity comprised of several distinct responsibilities.

Functional testing, which focuses on features instead of code, is a vital area, but there are others as well, such as testing for performance, security testing, etc. During the testing process, document all testing requirements, create test scenarios, and take into account non-functional and functional requirements.

2. Starting Without a Test Plan

Beginners in testing may believe that they can easily recall all the necessary test cases, and so don’t need a comprehensive test plan. However, as the scope expands and iterations occur, it becomes impossible to recall everything precisely, leading to errors. A test plan maintains a record of every instance of testing that needs to be executed.

3. Being a Solo Worker

An essential capability for a tester is a knack for effective communication. They must be able to articulate their thoughts and actions to a wide range of audiences, including developers, test administrators, owners of the product, etc. Each of these parties will likely have a distinctive viewpoint on the issue. If a tester is oblivious to this, they will soon run into difficulties.

4. Being Overconfident About Multi-Tasking

Multitasking is a skill that many think they possess, but this won’t necessarily accelerate the testing process. At the conclusion of a development cycle, stakeholders can pile work on your desk and insist that you complete it at the earliest. However, testers shouldn’t fall into the trap of beginning all tasks simultaneously. Estimate, prioritize, re-examine, and then complete the work incrementally.

5. Not Knowing the WHY Behind Testing

Are you assessing, for instance, to strengthen security?

Or, is the objective to make the app more sticky?

Define what quality software means for your business. If decision-makers have no idea why you need to conduct tests and how it helps them, you will have trouble obtaining the necessary support for success. It is wise to define the project’s objectives in a one-page proposal. Using clear metrics, illustrate the projected advantages of the testing initiative to the organization.

6. Overlooking Regression Tests

So, a new feature was successfully put into effect, and it functions properly. That’s fantastic – but you can’t ignore other functionalities. Regression tests ensure that improvements don’t introduce new flaws and that the app’s core functionality stays intact. Sadly, testers frequently overlook this rule, especially in small and over-burdened startup teams – however, regression testing cannot be ignored in any scenario.

7. Allowing Chaos In Documentation

Unstructured and chaotic documentation causes confusion during the test phase. This is why some features are tested over a dozen times, while others may be absent or improperly tested. Working with documented test cases and maintaining a log of the outcomes helps prevent these issues.

8. Pointing Fingers At Development

Sometimes, testers get upset with developers! Attacking developers and their efforts may lead to a contentious environment within a team, stalling the entire project. A competent tester must be diplomatic and watchful not to offend anyone when asserting that their performance is subpar. They must remember to prioritize quality and the project’s long-term vision while recognizing the contributions of developers.

9. Falling Prey to the “Pesticide Paradox”

Using the exact same data during testing can become routine, especially when conducting regression tests. The subsequent lack of discovery has been dubbed the pesticide paradox. Since no new defects are being discovered, testers are unaware that something is amiss. To prevent this, testing scenarios and data must be regularly updated.

10. Not Self-reviewing

Software testing is a continuous process, and professionals must see it through, right to the end. This includes verifying the outcomes of the tests you conduct, even if it seems unnecessary. For example, you may be inclined to overlook automated test results. Similarly, it is simple to ignore (or discard) older test results – but these often hold the key to new issues.

Wrapping up

Lastly, testers shouldn’t be worried about asking questions. Be patient, attentive, and perceptive about the bigger picture, and expand your skill sets and expertise. It is this trait that distinguishes adept or competent testers from the best ones.

As you can see, software testers will make numerous errors, which they often fail to recognize. These can be eliminated fast and easily, with a little patience, open-mindedness, and a readiness to start over, whenever needed. This will significantly improve the development cycles and team collaboration.

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